The Benedictine Sisters of Queen of Angels Monastery welcome you. For the past 137 years, the Benedictine Sisters have lived a life dedicated to daily prayer, community, service, and hospitality.
Located in historic Mount Angel, Oregon, Queen of Angels Monastery is home to the Sisters and serves as a place of peace, prayer, and community. The grounds include a chapel, grotto, gift shop, and hospitality center. The Monastery welcomes visitors to their daily Liturgy of the Hours, Eucharist, and is open for tours.
Welcome All
The Sisters
The Benedictine Sisters of Queen of Angels Monastery have dedicated their lives to daily prayer and a monastic life by living according to the 1500-year-old Rule of St. Benedict.
The Monastery
The Monastery was built in 1888, with additions added in 1903 and 1912. The grounds feature a chapel, meeting space, library, hospitality center, and gift shop. Daily tours are available for free and are open to the public.
The Ministries
The Benedictine Sisters are the founders of the Providence Benedictine Nursing Center, St. Joseph Shelter, and Mission Benedict. Today, their ministries include private retreats, spiritual direction, and hospitality.
Join Us for Daily Prayer
Join the Sisters for daily prayers. Services are open to the public and all are welcome! Daily prayers take place in the Chapel, located on the second floor of the Hospitality Center.
Morning Praise - 7:00 a.m.
Midday Praise - 11:50 a.m.
Evening Praise - 5:00 p.m.
Send Us Your Prayer Requests
Prayers From The Sisters
A Harvest Prayer by
Sr. Maureen Niedermeyer, osb
How blest, O Lord, are the works of your hands!
The heaves above and the below,
All creation sings of your glory!
The earth reveals your eternal presence:
apple trees heavy with juicy fruit,
fields ripe with waving grain,
wild blue breakers crashing on our shores,
raucous cries of the gulls,
mammoth beasts of the deep,
red-breasted robins on their perch,
multi-colored vegetables climbing up towards the warmth of the sun.
For all of these blessings, we thank you, Lord!
The music and beauty of all creation shows your extravagant love!
Continue to sing on in me and in all that you have fashioned.